Life on a Quarter Acre > Insects > Diptera > Higher Brachycera or Cyclorrhapha

Gymnosoma sp.

Collected from buckwheat flowers on 4 July 2022.

Species ID is notoriously difficult for Gymnosoma. From DNA analysis some authors think there should be only one morphologically variable species.

In any case, I haven't found a key to the species of Gymnosoma.

Gymnosoma, and other genera in the subfamily Phasiinae, are parasitoids of stink bugs (Pentatomidae) and leaf-footed bugs (Coreidae).

The thin red line between species - genomic differentiation of Gymnosoma, a taxonomically challenging genus of parasitoid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Determinants of host use in tachinid parasitoids (Diptera: Tachinidae) of stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)