Life on a Quarter Acre
Insects Spiders Other Invertebrates Birds Other Vertebrates Plants Fungi

List of first observations of LQA Non-Insect and Non-Spider Invertebrates

Taxa list


  1. Leopard Slug - July 8
  2. European Harvestman - July 22
  3. Common Pill Woodlouse - August 13
  4. 2017

  5. Common Earthworm - May 9
  6. Milky slug - May 9
  7. Common Shiny Woodlouse - May 13
  8. Sidewalk Mites - July 17
  9. 2018

  10. Family Lithobiidae (Stone Centipedes) - April 30
  11. Dog Ticks - June 28
  12. 2021

  13. Orchesella villosa (Slender Springtails) - March 20
  14. Family Blaniulidae (Snake Millipedes) - March 20
  15. Cave Centipedes - March 28
  16. Subfamily Tomocerinae (Springtails) - April 26
  17. Nematodes - October 28
  18. Bdelloidean Rotifers - November 13