Life On A Quarter Acre

Species visiting Geranium viscosissimum (Sticky Geranium)

select * from observations where pollinating_level='s_id' and pollinating=376
Ceratina sp.
Subgenus: Zadontomerus
(Small Carpenter Bees)
15 May 2024
On Sticky Geranium flower
Andrena prunorum
(Prunus Miner Bee)
12 Jun 2020
On Sticky Geranium flower
Halictus tripartitus
(Tripartite Sweat Bee)
21 May 2024
On a sticky geranium flower
Anoecia sp.
12 Jun 2024
On sticky geranium (Geranium viscosissimum). Looks like it has been trapped on the sticky hairs on the stem. There are dozens of other small insects on this plant that appear to have died in the same way. Protocarnivorous? ...
12 Jun 2024
On a sticky germanium leaf - along with another dozen that appear to be stuck to the sticky hairs.