Life On A Quarter Acre

Species visiting Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)

select * from observations where pollinating_level='s_id' and pollinating=467
Vespula germanica
(German Yellowjacket)
21 Sep 2016
Eumenes sp.
(Typical Potter Wasps)
2 Oct 2016
Calopompilus pyrrhomelas
2 Oct 2016
On parsley flowers
(Pitheads & Kin)
2 Oct 2016
Gymnosoma sp.
28 Sep 2016
Antheminia eurynota remota
10 Oct 2016
On Parsley plant
2 Oct 2016
Hylaeus sp.
28 Sep 2016
Hylaeus sp.
2 Oct 2016
Hylaeus sp.
2 Oct 2016
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee)
28 Sep 2016
Calopompilus pyrrhomelas
24 Sep 2016
On parsley flowers in the garden.
(Spider Wasps)
2 Oct 2016
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
2 Oct 2016
Villa sp.
28 Sep 2016
Syritta pipiens
(Common Compost Fly)
2 Oct 2016
Syritta pipiens
(Common Compost Fly)
28 Sep 2016
Hylaeus sp.
1 Jul 2024
On Parsley growing in front yeard.
Anastrangalia laetifica
(Dimorphic Flower Longhorn Beetle)
11 Jul 2024
On parsley flowers
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
19 Jul 2024
Flitting about on the parsley flowers. Hunting for spiders?
Myathropa florea
(Yellow-haired Sun Fly)
20 Jul 2024

Visiting garden parsley flowers

Eristalis arbustorum
(Eurasian Drone Fly)
20 Jul 2024
Coccinella trifasciata
(Three-banded Lady Beetle)
20 Jul 2024
Andrena prunorum
(Prunus Miner Bee)
21 Jul 2024
Coccinella septempunctata
(Seven-spotted Lady Beetle)
21 Jul 2024
Hylaeus sp.
21 Jul 2024
Syritta pipiens
(Common Compost Fly)
23 Jul 2024
Syritta pipiens
(Common Compost Fly)
23 Jul 2024
23 Jul 2024
On garden parsley flowers
Ceriana tridens
23 Jul 2024

First of this species seen in the yard.

Andrena prunorum
(Prunus Miner Bee)
25 Jul 2024
On garden parsley flowers
Andrena sp.
(Mining Bees)
25 Jul 2024
On garden parsley flowers
Coccinella septempunctata
(Seven-spotted Lady Beetle)
25 Jul 2024
On garden parsley
Halictus rubicundus
(Orange-legged Furrow Bee)
26 Jul 2024
On parsley flowers
Sphecodes sp.
(Blood Bees)
26 Jul 2024
On parsley flowers
26 Jul 2024
On parsley flowers
Andrena prunorum
(Prunus Miner Bee)
26 Jul 2024
On parsley flowers
Andrena sp.
(Mining Bees)
30 Jul 2024
Philanthus gibbosus
(Hump-backed Beewolf)
30 Jul 2024
Sphaerophoria sulphuripes
(Forked Globetail)
28 Jul 2024