Life On A Quarter Acre

Species visiting Lavandula angustifolia (Common Lavender)

select * from observations where pollinating_level='s_id' and pollinating=483
Papilio rutulus
(Western Tiger Swallowtail)
16 Jul 2016
Colias eurytheme
(Orange Sulphur)
31 Jul 2016
Hyles lineata
(White-lined Sphinx)
17 Jul 2017
Megachile sp.
Subgenus: Xanthosarus
(Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees)
6 Aug 2017
Bombus huntii
(Hunt's Bumble Bee)
22 Jul 2016
Bombus appositus
(White-shouldered Bumble Bee)
25 Aug 2020
Bombus appositus
(White-shouldered Bumble Bee)
15 Jul 2018
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee)
16 Jul 2016
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee)
25 Jul 2017
Autographa californica
(Alfalfa Looper)
6 Aug 2017

Hard to photograph, since it hovered and moved quickly.

BugGuide ID

Ochlodes sylvanoides
(Woodland Skipper)
25 Aug 2017
Ochlodes sylvanoides
(Woodland Skipper)
30 Jul 2016
Pieris rapae
(Cabbage White)
25 Jul 2017
Pieris rapae
(Cabbage White)
30 Jul 2016
Melanoplus bivittatus
(Two-striped Grasshopper)
9 Aug 2017
Anthophora urbana
(Urbane Digger Bee)
16 Jul 2024
On Common Lavender flowers
Megachile sp.
(Leafcutter, Mortar, and Resin Bees)
16 Jul 2024
Visiting common lavender flowers
Bombus appositus
(White-shouldered Bumble Bee)
19 Jul 2024
On Common Lavender flowers
Apis mellifera
(Western Honey Bee)
21 Jul 2024
Pieris rapae
(Cabbage White)
26 Jul 2024
On lavender flowers
Vanessa annabella
(West Coast Lady)
7 Aug 2024
On common lanender
Hyles lineata
(White-lined Sphinx)
7 Aug 2024
Hyles lineata
(White-lined Sphinx)
28 Aug 2024