stdClass Object
[id] => 673
[k_id] => 2
[p_id] => 7
[sp_id] => 5
[c_id] => 14
[sc_id] => 0
[o_id] => 79
[so_id] => 0
[io_id] => 0
[supf_id] => 0
[f_id] => 240
[sf_id] => 0
[t_id] => 0
[st_id] => 0
[g_id] => 428
[sg_id] => 0
[s_id] => 348
[ss_id] => 0
[o_desc] => First flower opened today
[o_time] => 1712008800
[inat_time] => 2147468400
[cat_id] => 156
[o_image] => IMG_1388.JPG
[o_featured] => 0
[inat_url] =>
[inat_image_url] =>
[o_short_desc] =>
[lowest_level] => s_id
[llid] => 1
[cultivated] => 1
[introduced] => 0
[good_image] => 1
[pollinating] => 0
[pollinating_level] =>
[eco_interaction] => 0
[gender] =>
[research_grade] => 0
stdClass Object
[id] => 2873
[k_id] => 2
[p_id] => 7
[sp_id] => 5
[c_id] => 14
[sc_id] => 0
[o_id] => 79
[so_id] => 0
[io_id] => 0
[supf_id] => 0
[f_id] => 240
[sf_id] => 0
[t_id] => 0
[st_id] => 0
[g_id] => 428
[sg_id] => 0
[s_id] => 475
[ss_id] => 0
[o_desc] => In North raspberry patch, just north of the center path
[o_time] => 1719957600
[inat_time] => 1719957600
[cat_id] => 156
[o_image] =>
[o_featured] => 0
[inat_url] =>
[inat_image_url] =>
[o_short_desc] =>
[lowest_level] => s_id
[llid] => 1
[cultivated] => 1
[introduced] => 0
[good_image] => 1
[pollinating] => 0
[pollinating_level] =>
[eco_interaction] => 0
[gender] =>
[research_grade] => 0