Life on a Quarter Acre

What's new at LQA

List of LQA first observations


  1. Yellow Douglas Fir Borer - July 6
  2. Bald-faced hornet - July 6
  3. Western Tiger Swallowtail - July 7
  4. Genus Chironomus - July 7
  5. American Goldfinch - July 7
  6. House Sparrow - July 7
  7. American Robin - July 7
  8. Eurasian Collared-Dove - July 7
  9. Leopard Slug - July 8
  10. Common Tree Crickets - July 8
  11. Fox Squirrel - July 9
  12. Dwarf Mallow - July 9
  13. Nipplewort - July 9
  14. California Poppy - July 9
  15. Prickly Sowthistle - July 9
  16. Alfalfa Looper - July 9
  17. Calliope Hummingbird - July 13
  18. Mylitta Crescent - July 16
  19. Western Honey Bee - July 16
  20. Field and Button Mushroom - July 18
  21. Gray Hairstreak - July 18
  22. White Clover - July 18
  23. Feverfew - July 18
  24. Spine-waisted Ants - July 19
  25. Cabbage White - July 19
  26. Formica neoclara (Wood, Mound, and Field Ants) - July 19
  27. Megaloceroea recticornis (Long Thin Plant Bug) - July 19
  28. Western Terrestrial Garter Snake - July 20
  29. Yellow Salsify - July 21
  30. Sierran Tree Frog - July 21
  31. European Wool Carder Bee - July 21
  32. Genus Triepeolus (Cuckoo Bees) - July 21
  33. Mourning Dove - July 21
  34. Prickly Lettuce - July 21
  35. Cottontail Rabbits - July 21
  36. European Harvestman - July 22
  37. Convergent Lady Beetle - July 22
  38. European Earwig - July 22
  39. Hunt's Bumble Bee - July 22
  40. Downy Woodpecker - July 24
  41. Striped Skunk - July 24
  42. Ring-necked Pheasant - July 24
  43. Carolina Grasshopper - July 24
  44. Black-capped Chickadee - July 24
  45. Red-breasted Nuthatch - July 24
  46. Bluebottle Fly - July 27
  47. Western Bumble Bee (Bombus occidentalis) - July 29
  48. Woodland Skipper - July 29
  49. Half-black Bumble Bee - July 29
  50. Creeping Bellflower - July 29
  51. Genus Melissodes (Long-horned Bees) - July 29
  52. Family Orthotrichaceae (Mosses) - July 30
  53. Genus Condylostylus (Long-legged flies) - July 31
  54. Orange Sulphur - July 31
  55. House Finch - July 31
  56. Black-headed Grosbeak - August 2
  57. Hobo Spider - August 7
  58. Norther Flicker - August 8
  59. Chrysopa oculata (Green Lacewings) - August 12
  60. Confusing Furrow Bee - August 12
  61. Western Boxelder Bug - August 3
  62. Common Pill Woodlouse - August 13
  63. Asian Lady Beetle - August 13
  64. Common Compost Fly - August 13
  65. Subgenus Zadontomerus (Small Carpenter Bees) - August 13
  66. Panicled Willowherb - August 14
  67. Genus Pemphredon (Aphid Wasps) - August 14
  68. Ligated Furrow Bee - August 15
  69. Morrison's Pero Moth - August 16
  70. Western Yellowjacket - August 16
  71. Common Wood-Nymph - August 17
  72. Swainson's Hawk - August 17
  73. Anthomyia procellaris (Root-maggot Flies) - August 18
  74. Buathra perplexa (Darwin Wasps) - August 20
  75. European Paper Wasp - August 20
  76. Lupine Bug - August 21
  77. White-banded Potter Wasp - August 24
  78. Hollyhock Weevil - August 24
  79. Alaska Yellowjacket - August 25
  80. Common Drone Fly - September 2
  81. Black-footed Drone Fly - September 5
  82. Western Aphideater (Hover Flies) - September 5
  83. Spotted Spreadwing (Damselflies) - September 5
  84. Red-belted Bumble Bee - September 5
  85. Common Flesh Flies - September 5
  86. Genus Stenodynerus (Potter and Mason Wasps) - September 5
  87. Genus Macaphesa - September 5
  88. Genus Nabis (Damsel Bugs) - September 7
  89. Genus Euschistus (Stink Bugs) - September 7
  90. Peacock Fly - September 10
  91. Locust Borer - September 11
  92. Western Lynx Spider - September 18
  93. Cedar Waxwing - September 19
  94. Osbornellus borealis (Leafhoppers) - September 20
  95. German Yellowjacket - September 21
  96. Calopompilus pyrrhomelas (Spider Wasps) - September 24
  97. Genus Archytas (Bristle Flies) - September 24
  98. Rough Stink Bugs - September 27
  99. Masked Bees - September 28
  100. Black-billed Magpie - September 28
  101. American Crow - September 28
  102. Genus Villa (Bee Flies) - September 28
  103. Genus Thecophora (Thick-headed Flies) - September 28
  104. Genus Gymnosoma (Bristle Flies) - September 28
  105. Seven-spotted Lady Beetle - October 2
  106. Genus Eumenes (Potter and Mason Wasps) - October 2
  107. Tribe Pipizini (Hover Flies) - October 2
  108. Lygus Bugs - October 2
  109. Rhyparochromus vulgaris (Dirt-colored Seed Bugs) - October 8
  110. Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp - October 10
  111. Antheminia eurynota ssp. remota (Stink Bugs) - October 10
  112. Black Blow Fly - October 10
  113. Genus Anthocoris (Minute Pirate Bugs) - October 12
  114. Zebra Jumping Spider - October 16
  115. Common Dandelion - October 16
  116. Rocket Larkspur 16 - October
  117. Thin-legged Wolf Spiders - October 16
  118. Red-legged Grasshopper - October 16
  119. Lesser Goldfinch - October 16
  120. Dark-eyed Junco - October 16
  121. Greenbottle Flies - October 16
  122. 2017

  123. Song Sparrow - January 2
  124. Bohemian Waxwing - January 10
  125. Varied Thrush - January 10
  126. Dark-winged Fungus Gnats - January 10
  127. Golden-crowned Kinglet - January 12
  128. Western Conifer Seed Bug - March 16
  129. Fuzzy-Horned Bumble Bee - April 21
  130. Great Basin Bumble Bee - April21
  131. Eurasian Sweet Violet - April21
  132. Variable Duskyface Fly (Hover Flies) - April21
  133. Common Chickweed - April21
  134. Neoneides muticus (Stilt Bugs) - April21
  135. Early Tachinid Fly - April21
  136. Common Dung Fly - April 21
  137. Blue Orchard Bee - April 21
  138. Metallic Sweat Bees - April 21
  139. Cooper's Hawk - April 27
  140. White-crowned Sparrow - April 27
  141. Bewick's Wren - April 27
  142. Genus Spilichneumon (Darwin Wasps) - April 30
  143. Two-spotted Lady Beetle - May 1
  144. Genus Therion (Darwin Wasps) - May 3
  145. Wood Gnats - May 3
  146. Arhyssus scutatus (Scentless Plant Bugs) - May 3
  147. Tribe Pterophorini (Plume Moths) - May 4
  148. Western Carpenter Ant - May 4
  149. Winter Stoneflies - May 6
  150. Black-margined Flower Fly - May 7
  151. Complex Dasysyrphus intrudens (Hover Flies) - May 7
  152. Genus Gryllus (Field Crickets) - May 7
  153. Common Fieldcap (Mushrooms) - May 7
  154. Three-banded Lady Beeltle - May 8
  155. Bronze Ground Beetle - May 9
  156. Goldenrod Crab Spider - May 9
  157. Common Earthworm - May 9
  158. Milky slug - May 9
  159. Amara familiaris (Sun Beetles) - May 13
  160. Common Shiny Woodlouse - May 13
  161. Bulbous Meadow Grass - May 15
  162. Genus Cryptus (Darwin Wasps) - May 18
  163. White-bowed Smoothwing (Hover Flies) - May 18
  164. Genus Leucophora (Root-maggot Flies) - May 18
  165. Genus Xanthorhoe (Carpet Moths) - May 18
  166. California Darner - May 19
  167. Gensus Bassaniana (Crab Spiders) - May 19
  168. Subgenus Tipula (Large Crane Flies) - May 21
  169. Carnea-group Green Lacewings - May 22
  170. Slender Crab Spiders - May 22
  171. West Coast Lady - May 23
  172. Cutworm Wasps - May 23
  173. California Quail - May 24
  174. Woodlouse Spider - May 25
  175. Painted Lady - May 26
  176. Eurasian Running Crab Spider - May 26
  177. Narcissus Bulb Fly - June 5
  178. Genus Aleochara (Rove Beetles) - June 5
  179. Greater Punctate Sedgesitter (Hover Flies) - June 7
  180. Nevada Bumble Bee - June 8
  181. Dame's Rocket - June 8
  182. Wood Avens - June 9
  183. Genus Tenthredo (Sawflies) - June 15
  184. Subgenus Synhalonia (Long-horned Bees) - June 16
  185. Common Snakeflies - June 17
  186. Anaspis atrata (False Flower Beetles) - June 18
  187. Ground Crab Spiders - June 18
  188. Blood Bees - June 21
  189. Sheep's Sorrel - June 21
  190. Dimorphic Flower Longhorn Beetle - June 22
  191. Common Carpet Beetle - June 23
  192. Yellow-faced Bumble Bee - June 24
  193. Fernald's Cuckoo Bumble Bee - June 24
  194. Yellow Velvet Beetle - June 24
  195. Strawberry Crown Moth - June 29
  196. Typical Weevil Wasps - July 1
  197. Common Aerial Yellowjacket - July 1
  198. Skunk Moth - July 1
  199. Woodpecker Flies - July 3
  200. Varied Carpet Beetle - July 3
  201. Epicauta punticollis (Burning Blister Beetles) - July 5
  202. Small-flowered Crane's Bill - July 5
  203. Western Calligrapher - July 7
  204. Genus Hedychrum (Cuckoo Wasps) - July 9
  205. Satyr Comma - July 13
  206. White-lined Sphinx - July 17
  207. Sidewalk Mites - July 17
  208. Sulphur Moth - July 27
  209. Black-chinned Hummingbird - August 6
  210. Red-shouldered Pine Borer - August 7
  211. Darker-spotted Straw Moth - August 8
  212. Two-striped Grasshopper - August 9
  213. Large Yellow Underwing - August 30
  214. European Mantis - October 4
  215. Itoplectis conquisitor (Darwin Wasps) - October 25
  216. Common Sickleleg (Hover Flies) - October 25
  217. Tribe Voriini (Bristle Flies) - October 25
  218. Money Spiders - October 25
  219. Diamondback Moth - October 26
  220. Genus Tromatobia (Darwin Wasps) - October 26
  221. Twin-spot Centurion Fly - October 26
  222. Genus Pimpla (Darwin Wasps) - October 28
  223. Bruce Spanworm Moth - October 29
  224. Pine Siskin - November 9
  225. Genus Alucita (Many-plumed Moths) - December 14
  226. Western Encephalitis Mosquito - December 26
  227. 2018

  228. Birch Catkin Bug - January 12
  229. Shore Flies - March 29
  230. Turkey Vulture - April 5
  231. Genus Gonia (Bristle Flies) - April 11
  232. Xestoleptura crassipes (Flower Longhorn Beetles) - April 14
  233. Greater Bee Fly - April 23
  234. Genus Ophion (Darwin Wasps) - April 27
  235. Townsend's Warbler - April 28
  236. Family Lithobiidae (Stone Centipedes) - April 30
  237. Shepherd's Purse - May 2
  238. Genus Orussus (Parasitoid Wood Wasps) - May 3
  239. Common Stork's Bill - May 3
  240. Crotch's Nomad Bee - May 5
  241. Genus Banchus (Darwin Wasps) - May 5
  242. California Flattened Jumping Spider - May 6
  243. Genus Rhamphomyia (Dance Flies) - May 12
  244. Prunus Miner (Mining Bees) - May 16
  245. Genus Chrysura (Cuckoo Wasps) - May 15
  246. Genus Sapyga (Club-horned Wasps) - May 20
  247. Western Wood Fly - May 20
  248. Polochrum sp. - May 22
  249. Subgenus Melanosmia (Mason Bees) - May 22
  250. Prairie Yellowjacket - May 22
  251. Small Milkweed Bug - May 23
  252. Nearctic Bumble Bee - May 24
  253. Western Eyed Click Beetle - May 25
  254. Genus Panurginus (Mining Bees) - May 27
  255. Subgenus Trachandrena (Mining Bees) - May 27
  256. Subgenus Melecta (Mourning Bees) - May 27
  257. Common Whitetail (Dragonflies) - May 28
  258. Brymblia quadrimaculella (Concealer Moths) - May 31
  259. Black-and-gray Leafcutter Bee - June 1
  260. Western Treehole Mosquito - June 6
  261. Xorides californicus - June 6
  262. Orchard Grass - June 7
  263. Subgenus Gyponana (Typical Leafhoppers) - June 12
  264. Genus Gasteruption (Carot Wasps) - June 15
  265. Perithous scurra (Darwin Wasps) - June 17
  266. Genus Pristaulacus (Aulacid Wasps) - June 19
  267. Phymatodes dimidiatus (Longhorn Beetles) - June 19
  268. Genus Parancistrocerus (Potter and Mason Wasps) - June 21
  269. Genus Hemipenthes - June 21
  270. Whip Cicadas - June 22
  271. Vivid Dancer (Damselflies) - June 22
  272. Blue-eyed Darner (Dragonflies) - June 23
  273. Dog Ticks - June 28
  274. Genus Brachymeria (Chalcidid Wasps) - June 30
  275. Wooly Bee Flies -June 30
  276. Euodynerus foraminatus-complex (Potter and Mason Wasps) - July 1
  277. Subgenus Hypericia (Leaf Beetles) - July 2
  278. Common St. John's Wort - July 2
  279. Four-spotted Moth - July 3
  280. Rose Aphid - July 3
  281. Two-tailed Tiger Swallowtail - July 4
  282. Genus Lestica (Square-headed Wasps) - July 5
  283. Genus Phylloecus (Stem Sawflies) - July 6
  284. Genus Neurocolpus (Plant Bugs) - July 7
  285. Lorquin's Angle - July 9
  286. Fruit-tree Leafroller Moth - July 9
  287. White-shouldered Bumble Bee - July 11
  288. Common Ringlet - July 11
  289. Chrysis sp. - July 14
  290. Megachile angelarum - July 14
  291. Los Angeles Resin Bee - July 14
  292. Pugnacious Leafcutter Bee - July 14
  293. Subgenus Neotrypetes (Armored Resin Bees) - July 14
  294. Subgenus Trypargilum (Sqaure-headed Wasps) - July 14
  295. Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee - July 15
  296. White-fronted Small-Mason - July 15
  297. Tribe Psenini (Aphid Wasps) - July 15
  298. Leucospis affinis (Leucospidae) - July 15
  299. Gray Lawn Leafhopper - July 15
  300. Brown-belted Bumble Bee - July 24
  301. Subgenus Cyrtocoelioxys (Cuckoo Leaf-cutter Bees) - July 25
  302. Krombeinopyga pumila (Club-horned Wasps) - July 28
  303. Genus Monodontomerus (Torymidae) - July 28
  304. Juniper-hawthorn Rust - July 28
  305. Orange-legged Furrow Bee - July 29
  306. Sand-loving Wasps - August 13
  307. Hump-backed Beewolf - August 15
  308. Genus Thyanta (Sink Bugs) - August 18
  309. Peleteria iterans (Bristle Flies) - September 1
  310. Striped Meadowhawk (Dragonflies) - September 4
  311. Thread-waisted Sand Wasps (Ammophila sp.) - September 13
  312. Elegant grass-carrying Wasp - September 13
  313. Ectemnius cephalotes (Square-headed Wasps) - September 14
  314. Ectemnius ruficornis (Square-headed Wasps) - September 14
  315. Subfamily Braconinae (Braconid Wasps) - September 14
  316. Iphthiminus serratus (Darling Beetles) - September 14
  317. Geneus Passaloecus (Aphid Wasps) - September 15
  318. Ant-mimic Sac Spiders - September 17
  319. 2019

  320. Genus Sergiolus (Ground Spiders) - March 16
  321. Tangleweb Spiders - March 26
  322. European Drone Fly - April 8
  323. Grey-cushioned Grimmia (Rock Mosses) - April 14
  324. Subfamily Campopleginae (Darwin Wasps) - April 17
  325. Genus Epermenia (Fringe-tufted Moths) - April 18
  326. Triangulate Combfoot (False Widow Spiders) - April 23
  327. Echo Azure - April 24
  328. Western Cherry Fruit Fly - July 14
  329. Blackjacket - July 14
  330. Subgenus Dianthidium (Megachilidae) - September 3
  331. Garden Webworm Moth - September 7
  332. Halfbands (Hover Flies) - October 7
  333. Rain Beelte - October 15
  334. Pine Trogossitid Beetle - October 15
  335. Shield Lichen - October 22
  336. Genus Gelis (Darwin Wasps) - October 25
  337. Western Polished Lady Beetle - October 25
  338. 2020

  339. Xerophloea pelltata (Flat-headed Leafhoppers) - April 6
  340. Genus Ypsolopha (Ermine Moths and Allies) - April 17
  341. Cat-faced Orbweaver - April 17
  342. Subgenus Melandrena (Mining Bees) - April 21
  343. Henbit Deadnettle - April 24
  344. Poison Hemlock Moth - April 26
  345. Hackberry Gall Psyllids - April 26
  346. Subgenus Melanthaxia (Metallic Wood-boring Beetles) - May 2
  347. Subtribe Quediina (Rove Beetles) - May 4
  348. European Starling - May 4
  349. Large-tailed Aphideater (Hover Flies) - May 7
  350. Cosmopepla intergressa (Stink Bugs) - May 9
  351. Subfamily Metopiinae (Darwin Wasps) - May 10
  352. Callibaetis ferrugineus ssp. hageni (Mayflies: Speckled Duns) - May 16
  353. Agrocybe acericola (Mushrooms) - May 22
  354. Genus Bibio (March Flies) - May 23
  355. Subfamily Chloropinae (Grass Flies) - May 23
  356. Bold Jumping Spider - May 23
  357. Tribe Bardini (Flower Weevils) - May 24
  358. Crabro latipes (Square-headed Wasps) - May 27
  359. Forked Globetail (Hover Flies) - May 28
  360. Cosmopepla uhleri (Stink Bugs) - May 28
  361. Corn Speedwell - May 28
  362. Chipping Sparrow - May 29
  363. Western Thatching Ant - May 30
  364. Juba Skipper - June 1
  365. Bicolored Striped Sweat Bee - June 2
  366. Perizoma costiguttata (Carpet Moths) - June 2
  367. Indiscriminate Cuckoo Bee - June 3
  368. Topiary Grass-Veneer (Crambid Snout Moths) - June 10
  369. Neoclytus muricatulus (Typical Longhorn Beetles) - June 11
  370. Eulonchus tristis (Small-headed Flies) - June 11
  371. Genus Symmorphus (Potter and Mason Wasps) - June 18
  372. Black Medic (Legumes) - June 19
  373. Spotted Asparagus Beetle - June 22
  374. Prostrate Knotweed - June 27
  375. Tufted Globetail (Hover Flies) - July 4
  376. Pseudomalus auratus (Cuckoo Wasps) - July 8
  377. Common Checkered Skipper - July 16
  378. Molorchus longicollis (Typical Longhorn Beetles) - July 18
  379. Genus Harmostes (Scentless Plant Bugs) - August 5
  380. Urbane Digger Bee (Anthophora urbana) - August 21
  381. Western Sculptured Pine Borer - August 25
  382. Subtribe Philonthina (Rove Beetles) - September 4
  383. Genus Prionix (Thread-waisted Wasps) - September 6
  384. Purplish Copper - September 6
  385. Genus Cylindromyia (Bristle Flies) - September 6
  386. Apple Leaf Skeletonizer Moth - September 17
  387. Meal Moth - September 19
  388. Meadow Spittlebug - September 21
  389. Armyworm Moth - September 25
  390. Physiphora alceae (Picture-winged Flies) - September 27
  391. Privet Leafhopper - September 27
  392. Scentless Mayweed - September 29
  393. Prociphilus americanus (Aphids) - September 30
  394. Pollenia vagabunda - October 6
  395. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - October 12
  396. Genus Banasa (Stink Bugs) - October 12
  397. Subgenus Chlorochroa (Stink Bugs) - October 12
  398. Tissue Moth - November 17
  399. 2021

  400. Cassin's Finch - January 28
  401. Scale inescts (Superfamily Coccoidea) - February 1
  402. Subfamily Diamesinae (Non-biting Midges) - March 2
  403. Red-winged Blackbird - March 2
  404. Orchesella villosa (Slender Springtails) - March 20
  405. Family Blaniulidae (Snake Millipedes) - March 20
  406. Western Collared Ant (Aphaenogaster occidentalis) - March 21
  407. Genus Phanias (Jumping Spiders) - March 27
  408. Cave Centipedes - March 28
  409. Red-tailed Hawk - April 1
  410. Genus Eurygaster (Jewel Bugs) - April 1
  411. Tribe Hadrobregmini (Ptinidae - Deathwatch Beetles) - April 2
  412. Picnic Beetle - April 3
  413. Black Scavenger Fly - April 16 (Sepsidae)
  414. Lacon rorulentus (Click Beetles) - April 23
  415. Subfamily Tomocerinae (Springtails) - April 26
  416. Scatopsidae (Black Minute Scavenger Flies) - April 26
  417. Listrus sp. (Soft-winged flower beetle) - April 28
  418. Tribe Alticini (Metallic flea beetles) - April 28
  419. Coppered White-cheeked Jumping Spider - May 1
  420. Osmia montana - May 13
  421. Ampedus sp. - May 15
  422. Mallota sackeni (Brown-haltered Mimic Fly) - May 17
  423. Platypezidae (Flat-footed Flies) - May 22
  424. Doratura stylata - June 8
  425. Bruchus pisorum - July 1
  426. Mourning Cloak - August 14
  427. California Tortoiseshell - September 23
  428. Nematodes - October 28
  429. Haematococcus sp. (Green Algae) - November 5
  430. Bdelloidean Rotifers - November 8
  431. Ramazzottius sp. (Tardigrade) - December 8
  432. Merlin December 16
  433. 2022

  434. Common Raven February 25
  435. Fungus Gnats March 2.
  436. Common Bird's Nest Fungus March 13.
  437. Mompha sp. March 14
  438. Tetramorium immigrans (Immigrant Pavement Ant) March 18
  439. Reduvius personatus (Masked Bed-bug Hunter) March 18
  440. Priocnemis sp. (Spider Wasp) March 24
  441. Dahlica sp. (Bagworm Moths) March 24
  442. Ceratagallia sp. - March 24.
  443. Bitoma crenata (A clylindrical bark beetle) March 29
  444. Eoclerus eximius (A Checkered beetle) April 8
  445. Orsodacne atra (A ravenous leaf beetle - Orsodacnidae) April 24
  446. Anthophora pacifica (Pacific Digger Bee) April 24
  447. Polyxenus lagurus (Bristly Millipede) April 27
  448. Sitona lineatus (Pea Weevil) May 4
  449. Glischrochilus quadrisignatus (Four-spotted Sap Beetle) May 4
  450. Aphis sp. - May 24
  451. Eumerus sp. - May 24
  452. Araniella displicata (Six-spotted Orbweaver) - May 26
  453. Megalonotus sabulicola (Introduced Dirt-colored Seed Bug) - May 26
  454. Epistrophe xanthostoma (Emarginate Smoothtail) - May 26
  455. Empis sp. - May 26
  456. Magdalis sp. (A True Weevil) - June 5
  457. Lycogala epidendrum (Wolf's Milk) - June 9
  458. Bromus diandrus (Ripgut Brome) - June 22
  459. Bromus tectorum (Cheat Grass) - June 23
  460. Pemphredon inornata - July 4
  461. Papilio eurymedon (Pale Swallowtail) - July 6
  462. Eudioctria sackeni (A robber fly) - July 9
  463. Ceruchus punctatus (a stag beetle) - July 11
  464. Agrilus cuprescens (Rose Stem Girder) - July 15
  465. Pseudotephritis sp. - July 19
  466. Buprestis langii - July 20
  467. Leptomantispa pulchella (A Mantidfly) - July 21
  468. Toxomerus marginatus (Margined Calligrapher) - July 24
  469. Ichneumon cupitus (A Darwin Wasp) - July 23
  470. Upis ceramboides (Roughened Darkling Beetle) - August 1
  471. Eris militaris (Bronze Jumpimg Spider) - August 8
  472. Polystoechotes punctata (a giant lacewing) - August 21
  473. Asemum nitidum (A Longhorn Beetle - Cerambycidae) - August 21
  474. Melanophila sp. (A Buprestid Beetle) - August 24
  475. Erythroneura ziczac (Virginia Creeper Leafhopper) - August 24
  476. Thysanoptera (Thrips) - August 28
  477. Xestia c-nigrum (Lesser Black-letter Dart) - August 29
  478. Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral) - August 29
  479. Tricoptera (Caddisflies) - August 29
  480. Vorticellidae - August 31
  481. Subclass Hypotrychia - August 31
  482. Epithemia sp. (A diatom) - September 9
  483. Corimelaena sp. (An Emory Bug) - September 20
  484. Eristalis flavipes (Orange-legged Drone Fly) - September 22
  485. Psocodea (Barklice, Booklice, and Parasitic Lice) - October 16
  486. Bisnius sp. - October 16
  487. 2023

  488. Accipiter striatus (Sharp-shinned Hawk) - January 1