Cydia pomonella
(Codling Moth)
Inside house. On curtain. ~ 10 mm.
Operophtera bruceata
(Bruce Spanworm Moth)
On the outside wall of the garage this morning.
Scoliopteryx libatrix
(Herald Moth)
Landed on my wife (Carole's) arm while she was picking apples.
Hyles lineata
(White-lined Sphinx)
Associated Species: Lavandula angustifolia (Common Lavender)
Hyles lineata
(White-lined Sphinx)
Associated Species: Lavandula angustifolia (Common Lavender)
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
UV light trap
Cydia pomonella
(Codling Moth)
UV light trap
(Underwing, Tiger, Tussock, and Allied Moths)
UV light trap
Eudrepanulatrix sp.
UV light trap
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
UV light trap
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
UV light trap
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
UV light trap
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
UV light trap
Cydia pomonella
(Codling Moth)
UV light trap
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
UV light trap
Acronicta sp.
UV light trap
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
On oregano flowers
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
On a raspberry leaf
Associated Species: Rubus idaeus (Red Raspberry)
Dichrorampha sp.
On Common Yarrow flowers in south garden next to driveway
Associated Species: Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow)
Albuna pyramidalis
(Fireweed Clearwing Moth)
Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat) flowers
Associated Species: Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat)
Synanthedon tipuliformis
(Currant Clearwing Moth)
Synanthedon tipuliformis
(Currant Clearwing Moth)
On raspberry leaf
Associated Species: Rubus idaeus (Red Raspberry)
Synanthedon tipuliformis
(Currant Clearwing Moth)
On raspberry leaf
daniel-gilbert corrected my ID on iNat. And since he specializes in clear-winged moths, I've changed my ID from Strawberry Crown Moth (Synanthedon bibionipennis).
Associated Species: Rubus idaeus (Red Raspberry)
Pyralis farinalis
(Meal Moth)
7 Jun 2024
On kitchen wall
Pyralis farinalis
(Meal Moth)
In bathroom, 13 mm wingspan
Brymblia quadrimaculella
On spruce stump
Helicoverpa zea
(Corn Earworm Moth)
Found at the tip of a corn cob as it was being husked. ~ 15 mm
Catocala relicta
(White Underwing)
Forewing length ~ 40 mm
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
Xestia c-nigrum
(Lesser Black-letter Dart)
Euxoa auxiliaris
(Army Cutworm Moth)
Euxoa auxiliaris
(Army Cutworm Moth)
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
Euchromius ocellea
(Belted Grass-Veneer)
Acrobasis tricolorella
(Tricolored Acrobasis Moth)
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
Cydia pomonella
(Codling Moth)
Tolype sp.
(Tolype Moths)
UV trap
Melipotis jucunda
(Merry Graphic Moth)
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
Dug up from a cutworm wasp (Podalonia) burrow. Length 35 mm.
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
Under bark in the front garden.
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
Mompha sp.
Found in shed. ~ 4 mm.
Mythimna unipuncta
(Armyworm Moth)
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
11 mm
Xestia c-nigrum
(Lesser Black-letter Dart)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
Spodoptera praefica
(Western Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth)
Emmelina monodactyla
(Morning-glory Plume Moth)
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
(Cutworms and Dart Moths)
Xestia xanthographa
(Square-spot Rustic)
Xestia xanthographa
(Square-spot Rustic)
Xestia xanthographa
(Square-spot Rustic)
Spodoptera praefica
(Western Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth)
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
Dargida procinctus
(Girdler Moth)
UV Light trap
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
Dioryctria sp.
(Conifer Coneworm Moths)
Cydia pomonella
(Codling Moth)
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
In UV light trap
Spodoptera sp.
(Armyworm Moths)
Plutella xylostella
(Diamondback Moth)
In UV light trap
Acrobasis tricolorella
(Tricolored Acrobasis Moth)
Archips argyrospila
(Fruit-tree Leafroller Moth)
Caught in UV light trap
Cydia pomonella
(Codling Moth)
In UV light trap
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Dahlica sp.
Moving slowly on a spruce stump. ~ 5 mm.
Three-sided in cross section and sand-covered.
Ref. Charley Eiseman and Noah Carney's Tracks & Signs of Insects, p.250
Mompha sp.
Wing length ~ 6 mm
Captured near lamp in bedroom
BugGuide ID
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Coleophora sp.
On raspberry leaf
(Geometer Moths)
Emmelina monodactyla
(Morning-glory Plume Moth)
26 mm wingspan
Agonopterix alstroemeriana
(Poison Hemlock Moth)
Triphosa haesitata
(Tissue Moth)
On wall in house
Triphosa haesitata
(Tissue Moth)
On wall in bathroom
Mythimna unipuncta
(Armyworm Moth)
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
9 deg C, length 22 mm, black light trap
Pyralis farinalis
(Meal Moth)
On bathroom towel, 16 mm wingspan
Choreutis pariana
(Apple Leaf Skeletonizer Moth)
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
Noctua pronuba
(Large Yellow Underwing)
(Geometer Moths)
Chrysoteuchia topiarius
(Topiary Grass-Veneer)
On grass in lawn. length ~ 1 cm
Noctua pronuba
(Large Yellow Underwing)
Injured while mowing the lawn
(Geometer Moths)
Netted from snowberry bush
(Geometer Moths)
Agonopterix alstroemeriana
(Poison Hemlock Moth)
Autographa californica
(Alfalfa Looper)
Achyra rantalis
(Garden Webworm Moth)
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
Epermenia sp.
Captured in house
7 mm
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Mating pair
Macaria lorquinaria
(Lorquin's Angle)
Archips argyrospila
(Fruit-tree Leafroller Moth)
Length 11 mm
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
(Geometer Moths)
Tyta luctuosa
(Four-spotted Moth)
Plutella xylostella
(Diamondback Moth)
Noctua pronuba
(Large Yellow Underwing)
Autographa californica
(Alfalfa Looper)
Brymblia quadrimaculella
7 mm
Noctua pronuba
(Large Yellow Underwing)
(Plume Moths)
Alucita sp.
Small moth on bathroom wall. Length ~ 8 mm
Operophtera bruceata
(Bruce Spanworm Moth)
BugGuide ID
Winged = ♂
The terminal line is a series of dark SINGLE dots -- a distinctive feature. = Operophtera bruceata (widespread, mostly northern)
Plutella xylostella
(Diamondback Moth)
Noctua pronuba
(Large Yellow Underwing)
BugGuide ID
The dark reniform spot and dark mark along the costa near the apex are good field marks and most often indicate this species.
Heliothis phloxiphaga
(Darker-spotted Straw Moth)
Autographa californica
(Alfalfa Looper)
Hard to photograph, since it hovered and moved quickly.
BugGuide ID
Associated Species: Lavandula angustifolia (Common Lavender)
Hesperumia sulphuraria
(Sulphur Moth)
Hyles lineata
(White-lined Sphinx)
Associated Species: Lavandula angustifolia (Common Lavender)
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Mating pair
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Polix coloradella
(Skunk Moth)
Synanthedon bibionipennis
(Strawberry Crown Moth)
Noctua sp.
(Yellow Underwings)
Noctua pronuba
(Large Yellow Underwing)
Emmelina monodactyla
(Morning-glory Plume Moth)
23 mm wingspan
On west side of house
Pero morrisonaria
(Morrison's Pero Moth)
Resting on my windowsill. Wingspan 40 mm.
Autographa californica
(Alfalfa Looper)
This poor moth was being attacked by ants and could no longer fly. It may Be too far gone to identify, but I thought I'd give it a try.
You can see one of the ants on the moth's front leg in the second picture. I took a video and tried to post it, ...
Associated Species: Ancistrocerus albophaleratus (White-banded Potter Wasp)