Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Dissosteira carolina
(Carolina Grasshopper)
Melanoplus bivittatus
(Two-striped Grasshopper)
Melanoplus bivittatus
(Two-striped Grasshopper)
On front porch rail
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Gryllus veletis
(Spring Field Cricket)
Found under a rock after snow melt.
20 mm
Melanoplus femurrubrum
(Red-legged Grasshopper)
Dissosteira carolina
(Carolina Grasshopper)
Dissosteira carolina
(Carolina Grasshopper)
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Melanoplus bivittatus
(Two-striped Grasshopper)
Melanoplus bivittatus
(Two-striped Grasshopper)
Gryllus veletis
(Spring Field Cricket)
~ 18 mm
Nymph spring field cricket Gryllus veletus?
Melanoplus femurrubrum
(Red-legged Grasshopper)
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Melanoplus femurrubrum
(Red-legged Grasshopper)
Melanoplus femurrubrum
(Red-legged Grasshopper)
Melanoplus bivittatus
(Two-striped Grasshopper)
Associated Species: Lavandula angustifolia (Common Lavender)
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Melanoplus femurrubrum
(Red-legged Grasshopper)
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Melanoplus sp.
(North American Spur-throated Grasshoppers)
Dissosteira carolina
(Carolina Grasshopper)
Looks like a Mourning Cloak when flying
Oecanthus sp.
(Common Tree Crickets)
This is either Riley's or Snowy tree cricket - evidenced by the equally sized and spaced white dots on the abdomen, and the black intermittent rings on the antennae. Nymphs cannot be ID'd to species without a close view of the black dots on the front ...
Associated Species: Rubus idaeus (Red Raspberry)