Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
Entered house, probably from the nest under the front porch. There are a few still hanging around even though the low temperatures are near freezing.
Prionyx sp.
On winter savory flowers
Associated Species: Satureja montana (Winter Savory)
Ammophila sp.
(Thread-waisted Sand Wasps)
Associated Species: Satureja montana (Winter Savory)
Prionyx sp.
On oregano flowers
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Isodontia sp.
(Grass-carrying Wasps)
Prionyx sp.
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
On front porch. Hanging out near entrance to the nest.
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
An injured individual on the front porch
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
With a bee prey item that it was processing on the driveway
Prionyx sp.
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
On front porch. Appeared to be eating an Alaska Yellowjacket just outside the front door in front of the nest entrance.
Philanthus gibbosus
(Hump-backed Beewolf)
Philanthus gibbosus
(Hump-backed Beewolf)
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Cerceris sp.
(Typical Weevil Wasps and Allies)
Associated Species: Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow)
Dolichovespula arenaria
(Common Aerial Yellowjacket)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Associated Species: Origanum vulgare (Oregano)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
Nesting again in the spruce stump
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
On the spruce stump
Dolichovespula arenaria
(Common Aerial Yellowjacket)
On spruce stump
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
19 Jul 2024
Flitting about on the parsley flowers. Hunting for spiders?
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
The Aphid wasps have found a new place to nest in the yard. For many years they nested in a brush pile on the north side of the house. Now it's in an old woodpile by the compost. There are dozens of holes with lots of sawdust on the ground to mark th ...
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
Processing a food item on the deck before returning to the nest under the porch
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
On east side of house. Searching for a place to make a nest maybe?
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
On Golden Currant flowers
Associated Species: Ribes aureum (Golden Currant)
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
Nesting under porch
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Euodynerus foraminatus
On California Poppy flower
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
25 Jun 2024
On spruce stump
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
On Pacific Ninebark leaf
Associated Species: Physocarpus capitus (Pacific Ninebark)
Polistes aurifer
(Golden Paper Wasp)
Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat) flowers
Associated Species: Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat)
Ancistrocerus sp.
On Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat) flowers
Associated Species: Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
On wall of front garden.
I've seen quite of few of these this year, though not as many as previous summers.
Ancistrocerus sp.
Eriogonum heracleoides flowers
Associated Species: Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat)
Vespula atropilosa
(Prairie Yellowjacket)
On inside window sill.
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
On kitchen counter, 16 mm
Caenochrysis sp.
Malaise trap, 5mm
Epyris sp.
Malaise trap, 26-27 August 23, 6 mm
From Malaise trap, 26-27 Aug 23.
~ 7 mm
Trypoxylon sp.
Subgenus Trypoxylon
From Malaise trap set on August 26-27, 2023.
8 mm
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
26 Aug 2023
Malaise trap 26 Aug 23
16 mm
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Malaise trap, 26-27 August 2023
14 mm
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
26 Aug 2023
Malaise trap, 26-27 Aug 23.
15 mm
Vespula atropilosa
(Prairie Yellowjacket)
Malaise trap, 26-27 Aug 23
12 mm
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
26 Aug 2023
Vespula germanica
(German Yellowjacket)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
In raspberry patch
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Tachytes sp.
(Sand-loving Wasps)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Cerceris sp.
(Typical Weevil Wasps and Allies)
Cerceris sp.
(Typical Weevil Wasps and Allies)
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
8 Jun 2023
Malaise trap 8 June 2023.
7 mm
Trypoxylon sp.
8 Jun 2023
Trypoxylon sp.
8 Jun 2023
Trypoxylon sp.
8 Jun 2023
Trypoxylon sp.
8 Jun 2023
Eumenes sp.
(Typical Potter Wasps)
Symmorphus sp.
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Eumenes sp.
(Typical Potter Wasps)
Dolichovespula arenaria
(Common Aerial Yellowjacket)
18 May 2023
On a spruce stump.
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Checking out our newspaper tube.
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Checking out an old barbeque for a nest site.
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Eumenes sp.
(Typical Potter Wasps)
Dolichovespula arenaria
(Common Aerial Yellowjacket)
(Tarantula-hawk Wasps and Allies)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
On Goldenrod flowers
(Tarantula-hawk Wasps and Allies)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
(Spider Wasps)
I watched this wasp dig a shallow nest in the sand. Then it immediately flew off and returned a few minutes later dragging a spider (Cat-faced Orbweaver?) back to her nest. Then she quickly covered up
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
10 mm
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
These three have been at it for the last 15 minutes or so.
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Trypoxylon sp.
24 Jun 2022
Trypoxylon sp.
Subgenus Trypoxylon
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Priocnemis oregona
13 mm
(IDed by BugEric on iNat on11 Mar 24.)
(Club-horned Wasps)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Priocnemis oregona
Running around on ground.
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
First one I've seen this year.
17 mm
Chrysis sp.
~ 10 mm
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
On a Dandelion flower
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
On a Dandelion flower
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Vespula germanica
(German Yellowjacket)
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
In compost
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
Bringing grass to the nest on the spruce stump
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Trypoxylon sp.
Subgenus Trypoxylon
On raspberry leaf
Krombeinopyga pumila
Examining holes in a spruce stump
~ 10 mm
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Symmorphus sp.
Ancistrocerus sp.
On a Lewis Flax flower
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Crabro latipes
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
In house
(Club-horned Wasps)
(Club-horned Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Euodynerus sp.
On Goldenrod flowers
Ammophila sp.
(Thread-waisted Sand Wasps)
~17 mm
Ammophila sp.
(Thread-waisted Sand Wasps)
This wasp spent ten minutes or so digging a burrow in the sand. Then she spent a minute or two covering the entrance with large boulders (some with diameters greater than t the length of her thorax). After she was finished there was no trace of her n ...
Vespula consobrina
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
25 mm
Sapyga sp.
Caught leaving Osmia lignaria nest in bee hotel
15 mm
(Club-horned Wasps)
11 mm
Entered an Osmia lignaria nest at bee hotel.
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Spent the night in a bee hotel.
Hole size 14 mm
(Club-horned Wasps)
With lots of mites
Chrysura sp.
On spruce stump
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Backed out of drilled hole in spruce stump, 5 deg C
Ectemnius cephalotes
(Large Ectemnius)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Ectemnius sp.
Spruce stump
Isodontia sp.
(Grass-carrying Wasps)
Several of these grass-carrying wasp nests are in an old spruce stump in our yard.
Here is what the nest looks like when completed.
Ectemnius sp.
These wasps flit about from hole to hole on a spruce stump, entering some and then leaving to inspect others.
BugGuide ID
Passaloecus sp.
(Picket-boring Aphid Wasps)
Crabro sp.
(Shield-handed Wasps)
Bringing an insect back to the hole in the stump.
Ectemnius cephalotes
(Large Ectemnius)
Spruce stump
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
Several of these have nested in on old spruce stump. I've seen them carrying grass to nest holes. There are six completed nests with grass sticking out of holes.
BugGuide ID
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Isodontia elegans
(Elegant Grass-carrying Wasps)
Nesting at spruce stump
Ammophila sp.
(Thread-waisted Sand Wasps)
Philanthus gibbosus
(Hump-backed Beewolf)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Tachytes sp.
(Sand-loving Wasps)
Krombeinopyga pumila
Captured leaving trap nest at bee hotel. Cooled, photographed, and released.
7 mm
Ancistrocerus sp.
Nesting in hole in concrete of basement wall
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
Nesting in cardboard yard sign
Trypoxylon sp.
Subgenus Trypargilum
Caught when leaving a hole in a spruce stump. It had briefly inspected several holes before entering the one in which it was caught. Cooled, photographed, and released. (Before I could get enough pictures!)
Lestica sp.
Captured while leaving drilled hole in spruce stump.
Ectemnius sp.
Subgenus Hypocrabro
5 Jul 2018
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Caught returning to next in a rotting log. It had a small insect in its mouth.
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Cerceris sp.
(Typical Weevil Wasps and Allies)
Cerceris sp.
(Typical Weevil Wasps and Allies)
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
Parancistrocerus sp.
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
~12 mm
Entered hole in an old log. Captured as it was leaving. Cooled and photographed.
Chrysis sp.
Captured on spruce stump, cooled and photographed.
Length 9 mm
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
12 mm
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
On the spruce stump
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
12 mm, around brush pile
Vespula atropilosa
(Prairie Yellowjacket)
Trapped inside house
Polochrum sp.
Hanging out on an old spruce stump entering blue orchard bee nest holes
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Digging a nest in my sand garden
Vespula germanica
(German Yellowjacket)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
I watched this wasp moving the caterpillar, taking occasional breaks, maybe to find a place to dig its nest. (Bug Eric says cutworm wasps paralyze their prey and then dig a burrow to bury it in.) When I came back an hour or so later, the caterpillar ...
(Club-horned Wasps)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
(Tarantula-hawk Wasps and Allies)
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
On hummingbird feeder
Dolichovespula arenaria
(Common Aerial Yellowjacket)
Cerceris sp.
(Typical Weevil Wasps and Allies)
Podalonia sp.
(Cutworm Wasps)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Vespula germanica
(German Yellowjacket)
Ectemnius sp.
With a captured hover fly
(Potter and Mason Wasps)
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Sceliphron caementarium
(Yellow-legged Mud-dauber Wasp)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
5 Oct 2016
Eumenes sp.
(Typical Potter Wasps)
BugGuideAssociated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Calopompilus pyrrhomelas
On parsley flowers
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
(Spider Wasps)
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Calopompilus pyrrhomelas
On parsley flowers in the garden.
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Vespula pensylvanica
(Western Yellowjacket)
Vespula germanica
(German Yellowjacket)
Associated Species: Petroselinum crispum (Garden Parsley)
Stenodynerus sp.
BugGuideAssociated Species: Achillea filipendulina (Fern-leaf Yarrow)
Ancistrocerus sp.
Associated Species: Achillea filipendulina (Fern-leaf Yarrow)
Vespula alascensis
(Alaska Yellowjacket)
Ancistrocerus albophaleratus
(White-banded Potter Wasp)
Polistes dominula
(European Paper Wasp)
Snuck into the house somehow
Pemphredon sp.
(Typical Aphid Wasps)
Appears to be nesting in a hole bored into an old log.
Dolichovespula maculata
(Bald-faced Hornet)
This is the first observation from the yard!
I hope to find and identify as many species as possible on our little quarter-acre lot.