I'm sure there are many spiders in my yard that I haven't yet found. Most of them are small, cryptic, seclusive (and creepy). Except for the jumping spiders. They're cute!
Found in garage.
Egg sacs 9 - 12 mm in length.
Sergiolus sp.
On dining room table.
~ 4.5 mm body length.
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On outside of front door.
Enoplognatha ovata
(Common Candy-striped Spider)
What is that white-spotted thing on its abdomen?
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On outside of front door
Platycryptus californicus
25 Jun 2024
On side of shed
Philodromus dispar
(Eurasian Running Crab Spider)
On side of house
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
On buckwheat flower
Associated Species: Eriogonum heracleoides (Parsnipflower Buckwheat)
Philodromus dispar
(Eurasian Running Crab Spider)
In garden on side of driveway.
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Araneus gemmoides
(Cat-faced Orbweaver)
On front porch
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On Common Woolly Sunflower (Eriophyllum lanatum)
Associated Species: Eriophyllum lanatum (Common Woolly Sunflower)
Oxyopes sp.
With prey
Sergiolus sp.
Bathtub, 7 mm
Tibellus sp.
(Slender Crab Spiders)
Platycryptus californicus
On front porch.
Araniella displicata
(Six-spotted Orbweaver)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Tibellus sp.
(Slender Crab Spiders)
On side of shed
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Front porch.
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On the side of the shed.
Body length: ~ 2 mm
(Stealthy Ground Spiders)
Body length ~ 2.5 mm
Found on dining room table
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
In bathtub, body length 7 mm
Sergiolus sp.
On wall in bedroom
6.5 mm
Lost a leg when I captured it.
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
Found in garage trapped in a glass bowl
Erigone sp.
(Black Dwarf Spiders)
Found in shed. ~ 2 mm
Lepthyphantes sp.
Fro compost
Araneus sp.
(Angulate and Roundshouldered Orbweavers)
Found this on a garbage can lid. Is this a female that laid her eggs and died?
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
On front porch, above front door.
Body length ~ 20 mm
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
Cheiracanthium sp.
(Longlegged Sac Spiders)
Found on leaf with egg sac on bottom of a Douglas Hawthorn leaf. ~ 6mm
(Running Crab Spiders)
Araneus sp.
(Angulate and Roundshouldered Orbweavers)
Eris militaris
(Bronze Jumping Spider)
Platycryptus californicus
On a birch stump
Araneus gemmoides
(Cat-faced Orbweaver)
Platycryptus californicus
Inside of window in the house. 10 mm
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Male with larger, white female
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
(Running Crab Spiders)
On a Lewis Flax flower
Pelegrina aeneola
(Coppered White-cheeked Jumping Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
On sticky geranium
Araniella displicata
(Six-spotted Orbweaver)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On an ocean spray leaf.
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Phidippus audax
(Bold Jumping Spider)
Hanging out with a garter snake
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
On outside wall of house. body length 4 mm.
jlr2018: Three pair of spines on ventral side of tibia I, pointy (rather than spatulate) setae on abdomen.
Bassaniana sp.
On wall of house. ~ 4 mm body length
Sergiolus sp.
Found on wall inside house. Body length 9 mm
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
On front porch. ~ 5 mm
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On front porch wall. ~ 7 mm
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
On spruce stump
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
At the base of the spruce stump. 4 mm
Phidippus audax
(Bold Jumping Spider)
The Bold Jumper that I saw yesterday has found a meal. Black Blow Fly maybe?
Phidippus audax
(Bold Jumping Spider)
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Front porch, 9 deg C, 7 mm.
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Found on wall by front porch.
~ 5 deg C. Length 7 mm.
Steatoda sp.
(False Widow Spiders)
Found under the bark of a dead cherry tree.
Body length ~4 mm
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
In house, on my overalls.
~ 4 mm
salttaxa: Probably Pelegrina aeneola
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Pelegrina aeneola
(Coppered White-cheeked Jumping Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Eris militaris
(Bronze Jumping Spider)
Pelegrina aeneola
(Coppered White-cheeked Jumping Spider)
On compost bin.
On a raspberry stalk
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
mall spider ~ 2mm on compost bin
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Eratigena agrestis
(Hobo Spider)
Under brick, body length ~18 mm
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
With honeybee prey and a couple of flies hanging around
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Platycryptus californicus
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Phidippus audax
(Bold Jumping Spider)
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
With eggs
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
Platycryptus californicus
On outside wall of house
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
With large fly prey
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Subadult male
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
On a raspberry leaf
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Platycryptus californicus
Araneus gemmoides
(Cat-faced Orbweaver)
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
In bathtub, 4 mm
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
(Wolf Spiders)
~ 6 mm, found in bath tub
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
Araneus gemmoides
(Cat-faced Orbweaver)
Steatoda triangulosa
(Triangulate Combfoot)
Under a board in the garden
~ 7 mm
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Theridion sp.
(Typical Cobweb Spiders)
1.5 mm body length
Under bark of silver maple tree
Sergiolus sp.
On desk. ~ 10 mm body length
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
Castianeira sp.
(Ant-mimic Sac Spiders)
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
With bee prey
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
On the spruce stump
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
6 mm, front screen porch door
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
with prey
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)
Platycryptus californicus
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
(Dwarf Spiders)
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
~ 5 mm
Found in a hollyhock stem in its "pup tent" in which it was probably overwintering.
Pelegrina sp.
(White-cheeked Jumping Spiders)
~ 4 mm
This little jumper was hanging out on my laptop while I was in the backyard.
BugGuide ID: The abdomen looks a lot like a Pelegrina species. They have that pattern a lot. They come in many colors and shapes, so the species could be any. T ...
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)
On garbage dumpster
Body length ~ 3 mm
Looks like it lost one of its legs
Xysticus sp.
(Ground Crab Spiders)
Philodromus dispar
(Eurasian Running Crab Spider)
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Dysdera crocata
(Woodlouse Spider)
Tibellus sp.
(Slender Crab Spiders)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
Misumena vatia
(Goldenrod Crab Spider)
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Pardosa sp.
(Thin-legged Wolf Spiders)
Salticus scenicus
(Zebra Jumping Spider)
Jumping around on the dashboard of our Prius
BugGuide ID: Looks like a young Pelegrina or similar taxon.
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
Araneus sp.
(Angulate and Roundshouldered Orbweavers)
BugGuide ID: We don't know if illaudatus gets that far north. If not, we would certainly suggest gemmoides
(Typical Funnel Weavers)
Eratigena agrestis
(Hobo Spider)
ID as male hobo spider was confirmed at BugGuide.
Oxyopes scalaris
(Western Lynx Spider)
On tassel of corn plant
Philodromus sp.
(Running Crab Spiders)